Image showing three types of Oestrogen: Estrone, Oestradiol, and Estriol.
Most of us are familiar with oestrogen as the primary female sex hormone, but this substance does much more than manage menstrual and reproductive health. From the formation of bones and organs to the regulation of digestion and cognition—oestrogen is involved in all aspects of our lives.
Illustration depicting the phenomenon of period poops and its causes.
Periods are messy. They affect our health, moods, and well-being, and they are just annoying to deal with. From painful cramps to pimples and bloating, our hormones just won’t give it a rest. In this article, we look into a little-discussed but common phenomenon—period poops. That’s right, as if bleeding, pain, and mood swings weren’t enough, being locked in your bathroom for hours can be the cherry on top.
Image depicting preparation for your first period
When will I get my first period? What are the signs? How will I know? Am I the right age? These questions are important, and the answers will help you prepare for menstruation. In this article, you’ll learn why periods happen in the first place, how to prepare for your first menstruation, and how to talk to your parents about it.
Illustration depicting 8 common reasons for nasal congestion.
Did you know that a stuffy nose isn’t just a symptom of the common cold or hay fever? Are you constantly blowing your nose, using nasal sprays, and hovering above the humidifier but nothing seems to work? Then keep on reading. In this article, we tell you about the eight most common reasons for nasal congestion and how to treat them.
A Guide to Ovarian Inflammation: Diagnosing and Treating This Sneaky Disease
What happens when one or both ovaries become inflamed? What is the best way to diagnose and treat ovarian inflammation? Our in-depth blog post describes the symptoms and consequences of this uncommon, but dangerous condition, and explains what to do if you notice them in yourself.
Pregnancy Announcement Timing Guide: Best Time to Share the Exciting News
It’s really happening—your pregnancy has been confirmed and a new baby will be joining you in less than nine months! Maybe you feel like shouting from the rooftops or maybe you’d rather keep the news to yourself for as long as possible. What is the best course of action in this situation? Is there a “right time” to announce your pregnancy?
Enhancing Mental Clarity Amidst Period-Related Brain Fog Challenges.
Brain fog is a common experience that can happen to anyone due to lack of sleep, certain medications, or exhaustion after heavy physical activity. However, many menstruating people experience brain fog right before menstruation, and sometimes the symptoms are so intense that they disrupt daily life.
Dry Skin and Chapped Lips - Visual guide to symptoms, remedies, and moisturizing tips for healthier skin and lips.
Your skin reacts to everything in your environment. The climate and your diet are just two of the many factors that can influence the structure and health of your skin. Dry skin is a common reaction to various influences, which can usually be easily remedied.
Safeguarding Connections: Navigating the Dating World with Caution.
Unfortunately, the dating world isn’t a safe place. Taking precautions is necessary, even if genuinely dangerous situations seem unlikely. Here are some things to keep in mind.
monthly active users
3-apps kit
Period, Pregnancy, Baby


Period Tracker & Calendar

A menstrual and fertility calendar for women.
  • Extremely reliable
  • Very helpful
  • Easy to use
  • Great features
  • Excellent choice

Key Features

Period tracker for both regular and irregular cycle.
Period, fertility and ovulation forecast. Standard and advanced mode (on the basis of the previous cycle data and depending on the fluctuations of the cycle length during the previous months).
Over 100 symptoms, other options like weight, BBT, moods, pills, sex life, cervical mucus, graphs and much more.
Various daily reminders: Menstruation, Ovulation, Weight, BBT, Multivitamin pill, Breast self-exam, Contraceptive pill, NuvaRing, Contraceptive patch, Depo-Provera injection, IUD.
Sharing data with your partner and data sync between multiple devices.
Dark mode
Exploring the Health Benefits of Sex - Understanding the Positive Impact on Overall Well-being.
The short answer is ‘Yes’. We are programmed to procreate, so our bodies have made sure we have incentives (and rewards) for engaging in intercourse.
Navigating the Complex Landscape of Pain.
Pain is a universal human experience, but it is also highly individual. It can be hard to evaluate the exact cause of pain, but it is always a signal that something potentially dangerous is happening to your body.
Probiotics Explained: Living Microorganisms for Health
Probiotics are live microorganisms—mostly bacteria and some yeasts—that offer numerous health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts. They are often referred to as “good” or “friendly” bacteria because they contribute to a balanced and harmonious gastrointestinal system.
Safely Venturing into One Night Stands and Returning to Dating.
People are social animals, but over the past year and a half, maintaining a social life has become challenging. Now that the Covid-19 restrictions are being lifted, many of us are having mixed feelings about returning to life as we knew it. Especially returning to the dating scene.
Unraveling the Dynamics of Anxiety and the Menstrual Cycle.
Anxiety is a normal part of our lives. It comes at moments of stress and when we face something new and unfamiliar. Anxiety can present as anything from mild feelings of unease to severe distress—impaired breathing, increased heart rate, an anxiety attack.
Demystifying Pregnancy: Unraveling Common Myths Surrounding the Maternal Journey.
Pregnancy is a time of great vulnerability for women. It has always been accompanied by some risk, especially in the past when we knew less than we do now about gestation and birth. Experience, while it is our fundamental source of knowledge, can also be misleading—one woman’s experience does not, cannot, and should not define another’s. A woman’s health, support network, emotional preparedness, and doctor/midwife can all influence her experience.